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إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • Listening_skill

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

    ♦️Types of Listening :

    1️⃣ Intensive listening

    ▫️ focuses on “certain elements “ of spoken language like intonation, phonemes, discourse markers.
    ▫️look for “specific information”
    ▫️guessing “the meaning” of a word from context.
    ▫️use the bottom - up

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    2️⃣ Extensive listening

    ▫️It includes “lengthy texts”.
    ▫️listening for “pleasure” .
    ▫️effective way to develop listening skills outside the classroom.
    ▫️aims to develop global (general) understanding .
    ▫️use the top- down.


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      3️⃣ Selective listening

      ▫️ listening for specific details and ignoring everything else.
      ▫️It includes relatively long texts.
      ▫️ listen for people’s names, dates or main ideas .

      4️⃣ Critical listening

      ▫️ The aim is to evaluate and make judgments about what has been heard .

      5️⃣ Interactive listening

      ▫️is the exchange of roles between two people between a speaker and a listener.


      • #4

        5️⃣ Interactive listening

        ▫️is the exchange of roles between two people between a speaker and a listener.

        6️⃣ Discriminative listening

        ▫️Focus on sounds without meaning.

        7️⃣ Comprehensive listening

        ▫️Focus on understanding the meaning of the message

        8️⃣ Appreciative listening

        ▫️ The purpose of listening is to enjoyment and pleasure the story or the novel .

        9️⃣ Therapeutic listening

        ▫️ The purpose of listening is to provide emotional support and assistance to the speaker or listener .

